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Free iPhone Cleanup Guide

Free iPhone Cleanup Guide

Cleaning up an iPhone can be a daunting task, especially if you have never done it before. With so many apps, files, and settings, it’s easy to accumulate clutter that not only takes up valuable storage space but also affects the overall performance of your device. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this without spending a dime. In this article, I’ll share from my experience various methods to clean up an iPhone for free. Whether you’re dealing with excess photos, unused apps, or miscellaneous junk files, these steps will help you reclaim space and keep your iPhone running smoothly.


Common Scenarios:

Running Out of Storage Space 📱

  • Your iPhone is constantly giving notifications about low storage space
  • Apps are not updating or downloading because there’s no room
  • You find it difficult to take new photos or videos due to lack of storage

Slow Performance 🐢

  • Your iPhone takes longer to open apps or load data
  • The device is lagging or freezing during use
  • Simple tasks like switching between apps take longer than usual

Battery Draining Quickly ⚡

  • Your iPhone battery doesn’t last as long as it used to
  • Battery percentage drops quickly even with minimal usage
  • You have to charge your iPhone multiple times a day

Step-by-Step Guide. How To Clean Up An IPhone For Free?:

Method 1: Delete Unused Apps 🗑

  • Go to your iPhone’s Home Screen and find an app you haven’t used in a while
  • Press and hold the app icon until a menu pops up
  • Select “Remove App” and then confirm by tapping “Delete App
  • Repeat these steps for other unused apps to free up space

Note: You can always re-download purchased apps from the App Store without repurchasing them.

Conclusion: Deleting unused apps is a quick and effective way to reclaim storage space on your iPhone.

Method 2: Clear Cache and Temporary Files 🧹

  • Open the Settings app on your iPhone
  • Navigate to “General” and then tap on “iPhone Storage
  • Scroll down and tap on any app to see its storage details and look for the “Offload App” and “Delete App” options
  • Choose “Offload App” to remove the app but keep its documents and data, or “Delete App” to remove both the app and its data
  • Reinstall applications to clear temporary files and cache, which frees up space

Note: The offload option is helpful for apps you may use later without losing your data.

Conclusion: Clearing cache and temporary files regularly can significantly improve the performance and storage conditions of your iPhone.

Method 3: Manage Your Photos and Videos 🖼

  • Open the Photos app on your iPhone
  • Select the photos and videos you want to delete by tapping “Select” in the upper-right corner and choosing the files
  • Tap on the trash can icon to move them to the “Recently Deleted” album
  • Navigate to the “Recently Deleted” album and tap “Select” then “Delete All” to permanently remove the photos and videos
  • Consider using a cloud storage service like iCloud, Google Photos, or Dropbox to store your media files

Note: Regularly cleaning your photo library will free up storage while ensuring your memories remain safe in the cloud.

Conclusion: Managing your photos and videos efficiently can free up significant amounts of storage space.

Method 4: Delete Old Messages 📩

  • Open the Messages app on your iPhone
  • Go through your message threads and swipe left on conversations you no longer need, then tap “Delete
  • To clear individual messages, open a conversation, press and hold a message bubble, and tap “More…” followed by the trash can icon
  • Regularly remove old attachments by tapping on “Info” in conversations and selecting “See All” under the attachments section

Note: Deleting old messages and media attachments can free up more space than you might expect.

Conclusion: Regular cleanup of your messages, especially those with large attachments, will reduce clutter and save storage.

Method 5: Clean Browser Cache and Data 🧑

  • For Safari, open Settings, go to “Safari“, and tap “Clear History and Website Data
  • For other browsers like Chrome or Firefox, go to the app settings and clear browsing data from within the app
  • Navigate to browser settings and select the option to clear cookies, history, and other site data

Note: Clearing browser cache and data can speed up your browser performance and free up storage space.

Conclusion: Cleaning your browser’s cache and data periodically will enhance your browsing experience and free up additional storage.

Method 6: Disable Background App Refresh 🔄

  • Open your iPhone’s Settings app
  • Navigate to “General” and tap on “Background App Refresh
  • Select “Off” to disable the feature for all apps or choose individual apps to turn off
  • This reduces background activity, which can improve battery life and free up memory

Note: Some apps might need a background refresh for optimal performance, so choose wisely.

Conclusion: Disabling background activity for apps can result in both better performance and battery life.

Method 7: Use Third-Party Cleaner Apps 🛠

  • Search for trusted cleaner apps on the App Store like Clean Master or CCleaner
  • Download and install your chosen cleaner app
  • Open the cleaner app and follow the on-screen instructions to scan your iPhone
  • The app will identify junk files, large files, and other unnecessary data
  • Remove the unwanted files to free up space

Note: Make sure to read reviews and choose trusted apps to avoid any potential security issues.
Alternatively, check this guide on iPhone cleaner apps to find some of the best options available.

Conclusion: Using third-party cleaner apps can help automate the cleanup process and offer more detailed cleaning options.


Precautions and Tips:

Stay on Top of Your iPhone Maintenance 🛠

  • Regularly go through your apps and delete those you no longer use
  • Clear cache and temporary files at least once a month
  • Manage your photos and videos by backing them up to the cloud
  • Keep your messages clean by deleting old conversations and attachments
  • Monitor your battery health and disable unnecessary background app refresh

Explore More

Maintaining a clean and efficient iPhone involves more than just the occasional sweep of your apps or photos. For those who are serious about optimizing their device’s performance, there are various techniques and tools available. First, consistently update your iOS to the latest version. Updates often contain system optimizations that help your iPhone run more efficiently. Check out the most recent updates available on the Apple Support website.

Another excellent habit is to reboot your iPhone regularly. Restarting your device can clear out temporary files and offers a quick refresh for your iPhone’s memory. Understand more about this by visiting How-To Geek.

Additionally, keep an eye on your battery’s health. Over time, battery performance can deteriorate. iOS provides a battery health feature under Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If your battery’s maximum capacity is significantly reduced, consider a battery replacement. Read more on Apple Batteries.

For those who deal with a lot of emails, managing your mailbox efficiently is crucial. Delete unnecessary emails and clear up the mail app’s cache. To know more, refer to Lifewire.

Lastly, avoid storing large documents directly on your iPhone. Utilize cloud storage services such as Dropbox or Google Drive to store big files. This not only saves space on your device but also ensures you can access your documents from anywhere.


Cleaning up your iPhone doesn’t have to be a chore. With these steps, you can efficiently manage your device without spending any money. From deleting unused apps and old messages to clearing cache and managing photos, these simple yet effective methods will help you free up space and enhance performance. For additional apps to assist with the cleanup process, explore iPhone cleaner apps. Make a habit of maintaining your iPhone regularly to keep it running smoothly.


To clear the cache, open the Settings app, go to Safari, and tap on Clear History and Website Data. For apps, try uninstalling and reinstalling them.

To delete unused apps, press and hold an app icon until it jiggles, then tap the X in the corner or use Offload Unused Apps in Settings under iPhone Storage.

Go to Settings, tap Messages, then Keep Messages. Choose a shorter duration like 30 Days to manage and reduce storage by automatically deleting old messages.

Open the Photos app, select and delete unnecessary files. Go to Recently Deleted and permanently delete them to completely remove old photos and videos.

Open the Contacts app, manually delete outdated contacts, or use third-party apps specializing in deduplication to effectively clean up your contact list.

In Settings, go to iPhone Storage. Enable Optimize Storage to allow iCloud to store older photos and videos, effectively optimizing storage.

In Settings, go to General and then iPhone Storage. Review large attachments and delete unnecessary ones to manage large files.

Go to Settings, General, iPhone Storage, and check app data. Delete and reinstall apps to clear unnecessary data, which helps handle app data effectively.

In the Mail app, delete old emails and archive important ones. Empty the Trash and Junk folders regularly to tidy up Mail app storage.

Regularly reboot your device, keep software updated, and periodically clear caches and unnecessary files to keep your iPhone running smoothly. Looking for more tips? Checkout [Apple's official iPhone support page](https://support.apple.com/iphone) and [iFixit](https://www.ifixit.com) for comprehensive guides.